7:31 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

I'm not even going to say anything about me being absent from the blogging world past year or so, but I feel like I have to- before I continue with other random posts.

So after announcing my new years resolutions and the posts I made weekly about "healthy me" turned into repeating mode in my opinion and I felt like I don't want to continue doing it. Instead I had an amazing year full of new things to explore. I worked out with my boyfriend and his friends in a park behind our house and we had quite minimal and primal workout gear. I was lifting weights like no ones business and I didn't even know I could do some of those things.

Then the summer passed and weather got much colder and I guess I had summertime- sadness. I didn't go to gym that often although I continued eating my usual portions of food. Some comfort-food here and there once in a while. I was under stress a lot, mostly because working and studying full time had me under their spell.

Long story short- I gained couple of more kilos. And guess what- it's actually okay. Because this is my journey to healthier me and no one elses. Baam!

This year I'm not promising weird things and impossible goals. Not that I did that last year, but You know what I mean. I'm not promising to update this blog every other day or every week or every month. There will be blog posts coming up, but only when I feel like it. Short ones and long ones, with or without pictures. Yay for 2017!