New Year Resolutions
Like every each one of you have at least once in a lifetime promised something- the one and only- NEW YEAR's resolutions. I have to say that last New Years Eve I didn't promise anyone anything really, not even myself. My mood was down somehow, the year had been wearing me and not me wearing the year. Well, another year and another NYE, so I thought I might want to write down what I would like to accomplish this upcoming year so I have something to look back to. I have a feeling that this year is going to be mine, or at least I make it mine.
First of all, I would really like to be more of a training person. I don't mean that I want to be muscular and full of adrenaline all the time, but you know- just go to gym and enjoy my time there whether it is half an hour or a whole hour. Taking time for myself on 2015 have definitely not been on my list. Unfortunately!
I want to read more books. I used to love reading books so much that I stayed up until I finished the book. In fact- I challange myself to read one (!!!) book in a month. Which means that by the end of the year I should be able to pat myself on the shoulder and say: Good job, you've read 12 books! I'll be writing some book reviews of the books that I have been enjoying. Oh yes, look back at the first resolution -> "more me time". Reading would be my other me time.
Pointing back to the first resolution again. I'd like to eat healthier. I think I eat pretty healthy, but once in a while I have this monster living inside of me (usually on Friday night) who is making me eat all kinds of unhealthiness. Chips, candy, chips, chocolate, burgers, chips, pizza, chips. And on Saturday morning I wake up feeling bloated, disgusted of myself and I swear never eating anything mentioned above again.
I would really like to visit a Spa here in Sweden. It is a lot more expensive than in Estonia, so I don't usually prefer a super-expensive Spa weekend to a calm home weekend. I actually have to say that me and one of my besties are planning a Spa weekend in Stockholm for the very beginning of the year. We haven't decided yet when, but you bet I write how it was or wasn't.
In 2016 I'd love to travel to one country in Europe that I have not been to. My long time dreams have been Hungary, France, Scotland, England and/or Poland (especially Krakow).
We have been living four, almost five years in this apartment, but there are still things (decorwise) that needs to be fixed or done. By the end of the year I would love to be complitely ready with one of the rooms, mainly the bedroom. We need bedside tables, a closet to the man of the house and a carpet would be cosy to have. Oh, and lamps. Bedside table lamps.
As many of you don't know but I'm blind as a bat and quite frankly I'm very tired being that way. I have glasses and lenses but it's not doing it for me anymore. I want to be the person who walks out from bed and sees where she is going or what's on the floor so I would not be twisting my toes left and right all the time. An eye operation would be much appericiated.
Date nights. More one on one date nights with my handsome significant other. First year of living together we used to have those kinds of date nights when we both put our phones on silent and just talked and catched up on life. I feel like 2015 we haven't had that very much.
I bet I'm aiming a bit too high goals, but I hope I will be hanging on to them and can say that I nailed it next New Years Eve!
I wish you all very good New Year and remember that only You can make it better than the last one!
What are your goals for new year?