Tag Thursday #2

6:00 AM Kristiine 0 Comments

1: What are you wearing? Dark blue floral dress with black leggings.

2: Ever been in love? I have and I am.

3: Ever had a terrible breakup? I have had couple of terrible ones.

4: How tall are you? I'm 171cm.

5: How much do you weigh? Right now 69,8kg but I'm working on it to become more fit and active (as a bonus to loose couple of kilos too obviously).

6: Any tattoos? Yes, one dragon tattoo on my thigh.

7: Any piercings? Yes, ears. Two piercings on one side and three on the other side.

8: OTP? OTP? Like One True Pairing? Cinnamon and apple, pumpkin and Halloween (it was a hint for upcoming blogpost).

9: Favorite show? Right now I'm obsessed with Swedish/Danish criminal series called The Bridge, but I generally follow a lot of series at the same time. /Mistresses, RHONY, RHOBH, Orange is the new black, Padjaklubi (Estonian comedy series) etc.

10: Favorite bands? I don't have a favorite band, but I like couple of artists at the moment. Like Kygo, Ellie Goulding, David Guetta has been surprising recently, Veronica Maggio, The Weeknd.

11: Something you miss? At the moment I miss summer and warmth and at the same time I can't wait until the holiday times (Christmas) to visit Estonia and see my family and eat lots and lots of good Estonian food.

12: Favorite song? At the moment: The Weeknd: Can't Feel My Face.

13: How old are you? I'm 26.

14: Zodiac sign? Nemo, no, I'm Pisces.

15: Quality you look for in a partner? Honesty, loving, hardworking.

16: Favorite Quote? If someone says You can't do it, prove them wrong!- unknown

17: Favorite actor? Jason Statham, Johnny Depp, Amy Schumer, Sandra Bullock, Kristel Aaslaid, Sofia Helin etc.

18: Favorite color? Wine red/burgundy.

19: Loud music or soft? Depends on a mood, sometimes loud but mostly as a background noise and then just soft.

20: Where do you go when you’re sad? I tend to talk with someone close, like mum or my boyfriend. If they are unreachable I need a pick-me-up. Chocolate helps usually, or/and cooking something good.

21: How long does it take you to shower? 10-15 minutes, depending how relaxed I am. I do like to take baths though, half an hour long baths, at least!

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? If You mean "get ready" from bed to out-of-the-door then 1 hour but from makeup-out of the door it takes me max 20 minutes. I get up usually earlier than I should, because I need my 1h for waking up, enjoying the coffee and breakfast and then I can think what I should wear, makeup etc.

23: Ever been in a physical fight? I don't recall that I have been in a physical fight myself, but I have been the one breaking off the fight. I mean stepping in the middle and arguing with the bully. I don't tolerate bullies. Yuck!

24: Turn on? A good conversation.

25: Turn off? Bullies, arguing, using ugly words.

26: Fears? Loosing someone I love, speed and darkness.

27: Last thing that made you cry? An emotional scene in a movie.

28: Last time you said you loved someone? About 1,5h ago to my mum via Skype and 2h ago to my boyfriend via phonecall.

29: Meaning behind your YouTube  Blogger Name? Well it's a lifestyle blog and my name is Kristiine. I didn't come up with a better idea.

30: Last book you read? I'm currently reading 3 different books, oops! I should finish one of them soon! Fifty shades Darker, Apteeker Melchior ja Rataskaevu viirastus, The Great Gatsby.

31: The book you’re currently reading? See above.

32: Last show you watched? If YouTube counts then today morning Therese Lindgren.

33: Last person you talked to? My mum on Skype.

34: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? No relation with that person, other than I sold my boots to her and she confirmed her payment. Business relationship?

35: Favorite food? Pasta! All kinds of pasta! And of course Estonian foods.

36: Place you want to visit? I'd like to visit France, UK and Italy as a roadtrip.

37: Last place you were? In a bus, before that at work.

38: Do you have a crush? Yes, my boyfriend and a Weimaraner puppy that stands high on my wishlist.

39: Last time you kissed someone? My boyfriend for a good night kiss last night.

40: Last time you were insulted? I don't recall, but I guess then it was a long time ago.

41: Favorite flavor of sweet? Chocolate or vanilla.

42: What instruments do you play? None, unfortunately.

43: Favorite piece of jewelery? My mums ring and golden earrings that I got for my 25th birthday from my family. I adore the necklace that my boyfriend gave to me as our first anniverssary present 6 years ago.

44: Last sport you played? Does gym machines count? Or LesMills Bodybalance?

45: Last song you sang? Justin Timberlake "Mirrors"

46: Favorite chat up line? Pickupline? I don't use any.

47: Have you ever used it? I used once. I said "Just shut up and kiss me" to my boyfriend when we first met. He told me his biography and I knew he wasn't wasting all this time for nothing, haha!

48: Last time you hung out with anyone? If not to count my boyfriend yesterday then on Saturday I was at sauna and movie night with couple of friends.

49: Who should answer these questions next? I tag everyone.


Random thoughts

6:53 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

I have so many blog post ideas, but it seems like I don't find enough time to take photos and even when I have time there appears to be no good lighting etc. You know, blogger problems. Sometimes life just happens and it makes me kind of sad, because I would really like to use some of my own pictures instead of googling or using picmonkey or polyvore.

So instead of informative or so called "neutral" blog post I'm going to hit You with random thoughts on Friday evening.

  • I'm so tired that I could fall asleep while standing.
  • That curry I made yesterday was pretty good. I should write down the recipe. Oh wait, I never write down recipes...
  • I have so many things to do!!!
  • I wonder how that wine, that I bought today, tastes?!?
  • At least I can be awake as long as I want to, because it's Saturday tomorrow! (If i decide to drink a glass of that wine, I won't stay awake longer than 10PM)
  • Oh yeah, the vacation pictures are still in my camera and phone. I should probably deal with them tomorrow, or today, or tomorrow.
  • What a week it has been!
  • It's cold outside.
  • I should take pictures outside before all the colorful leaves turn into soggy brown slime.
  • That wine is good! Bellingham ancient earth Shiraz Viognier 2013.
  • Should I start doing more of those random thoughts? I have so many thoughts. My brain is like a universum all the time.
  • No gym today! No gym all week actually. Fitness posts, anyone?
  • Do I need better alarm clock than my phone, because today I snoozed half an hour. Not good, not good at all! Suggestions?
  • I might have the first weekend in ages that I can stay at home and mind my own business and don't have anything planned by the clock. (Like fixing the pictures from the camera)
That list can continue, but I guess my brain is a lot slower on Fridays as per normal, so I'd like to stop writing right there.


Tag Thursday #1

11:39 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

Since I'm new in the blogging world I thought it might be interesting for some of You guys if I did a new segment of blog posts once in a while called Tag Thursday. I'll be searching some appealing tags with questions to answer for your entertainment. My first Tag Thursday will be including 21 questions to get to know me better. I thought it would be a good start. Oh, and before I forget- I got the questions from Ysis blog. Check out her answers as well, I thought they were pretty funny!

Here we go!

1. Are you named after anyone? My roots go back to Estonia and Latvia. As much as I know of my name is that my fathers grandmother was named Kristiina and her wish was that one of the kids was named after her. Unfortunately I have never had a chance to meet her, but I guess her name was an inspiration to my parents when they were choosing my name. Another story is that my sister and brother decided that I should be called Kristiine.

2. When was the last time you cried? I used to cry quite often. Not that I was sad, but I'm a softy like that. I can't remember when was the last time I cried, but I assume it might have been a month or two ago. Probably around "that time of the month" or a touching scene in the movie.

3. Do you have kids? No, but one day.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? It depends. I'd be my own best friend if I had enough patience to get to know "her". If not, I'd be a person who'd like to spend time with "her" occasionally and do fun stuff.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I do. But only between me and people I know who'd get my sarcasm.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I might. If I ever do it I might even get rid of my fears of hight and speed. It won't be happening in the near future anyway.

7. Whats your favorite cereal? I don't like cereal, but I like crunchy granola with some fresh blueberries.

8. What's the first thing you notice about people? Probably their bodylanguage and the way the talk. I like to observe people before I step into conversation with them. It's not the case on one-on-one meetings. Then I notice bodylanguage and appearance.

9. What is your eye colour? Green.

10. Scary movie or happy endings? I choose happy endings! I rarely watch scary movies.

11. Favorite smells? Morning coffee, cinnamon buns, fresh dark bread, summer rain, fresh bedsheets, oh so many good smells!

12. Summer or winter? Summer. I choose warmth over cold anytime!

13. Computer or television? Computer.

14. What's the furthest you have ever been from home? It depends what I define as "home" in different stages of my life. I've never been out of Europe so I'd guess the furthest has to be Malta (furthest from my Swedish home).

15. Do you have any special talents? I'm pretty good with languages, I mean learning them effectively in a short timeline. The only bad side of that is that I tend to forget the other languages I already know if I don't practice them as often. But talent.. I think I'm good in multitasking! Especially in a stressy situation. My mind gets clearer and I prioritize right things. So I guess I should come out of my comfort-zone more often to get more things done?

16. Where were you born? Viljandi, Estonia.

17. What are your hobbies? I like to read. If I read I can spend hours, even half a day just reading. But I have to get into the right mood setting to do that. I like to knit and crochet, but my main problem is choosing the object to knit/crochet. I'm currently working on getting healthier and getting my fitness-groove on. That could be hobby, right? I like interior design too. If magazines and compulsive Pinteresting counts.

18. Do you have any pets? No, but I'd like to have a Weimaraner puppy or German sheperd or Australian sheperd. Kitties are cute too. I'd like a puppy/kitty zoo if I had a big house.

19. Favorite movie? I really enjoyed The Intouchables. I have seen it at least five times and I guess I'd still cry and smile and enjoy it. I'm not into the sci-fi wave that seems to be the latest trend in the movie industry, but I loved Ex Machina. It made me think of what could happen in the future plus the actors were great!The list is longer, but generally I like a good comedy or a chick-flick. Oh and I should mention that I'm guilty watching all classical Christmas movies in early October/November. Every freaking year. Oops!

20. Do you have any siblings? Yes. I have a brother who is 14 years older and a sister that is 11 years older than I am.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up? You'd think that a 26 year old person should be a grown-up, but I guess I'm still growing. I'd like to have a good balance between my work and family. I'd like to be a good parent and inspiration to at least one person. I'd like to be able to travel and soak in different cultures.

I guess that was it!

What would be the next tag You'd like me to do?