Week 4 & 5 | healthy me

10:00 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

Week four was pretty awesome, I did a lot of walking and went to gym twice. I was so sore between those two visits that I literally rolled out from bed. I don't have a specific gym plan, but I always warm up with some kind of cardio. It's often elliptical or treadmill for first 10-15 mins and then I do some machines, mostly for abs or upper body and I never miss the leg machines. Usually it's one hour round in gym.

Week five I had very stressful times at work and I felt like juiced lemon. Every. Single. Day. The weekend has been pretty hectic too. On Friday we celebrated one of my friends birthday; on Saturday I was selling on Antiques Market and the evening we spent eating dinner and catching up with friend; on Sunday we celebrated our former neighbors kids 5th birthday and we ended up eating dinner with the family too. Lots of spicy food and certain amount of wine. Not good, not good at all.
After a work out I'm beat but the recovery is worth it .... I still feel powered up even now. ❤:

Today morning when I stepped on a scale I was back on square one. Oh well, what else I can do than try to start again and push myself more.
Professional Artist is the foremost business magazine for visual artists. Visit ProfessionalArtistMag.com.:
PS. I have been pretty good with water intake lately. At least. I try to drink at least 1L of it before work and the rest during the day. I have noticed the difference it makes. I'm less tired and I have better focus. Still have to be better with the portion control and more veggies.

PPS. I'm still working on my "yay for workout, lets do this!" feeling. Because I'm still not loving the idea of going to the gym. Once I'm there, it's okay and then I do my thing, but the going part is still on progress. I hope that I get that good feeling soon.

Starting weight: 71,3kg
Week 1: 71,3kg
Week 2: 70,3kg
Week 3: 70,3kg
Week 4 & 5: 71,2kg
Goal weight: 61,3kg

(Pictures are from Pinterest)

When do you work out? Morning or evening?


week 3 | healthy me

9:57 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

I feel like January haven't really been my month, if You know what I mean. Straight after recovering my horrible flu, I blew my nose so hard that I got my ear blocked. If that wasn't enough already- I got major toothache and there I was, from Monday until Thursday, working but not really working properly. I wanted to go to gym so badly and I could barely make it home after work. On Wednesday I finally booked the dentist, because I felt that something wasn't right. On Saturday I solved the dental problem and on Sunday I really felt like sleeping in and doing home chores. Oh well, new week and new opportunities. I really want to jump on that gym routine band wagon now!!! I'm so tired of being sick and tired.
I have nothing more to add than just a small note to myself: DRINK more WATER! Because I know I don't drink enough water. More water, more energy, logical?

The weight has been up and down and yesterday (Sunday) morning it was the same as last Sunday.

Starting weight: 71,3kg
Week 1: 71,3kg
Week 2: 70,3kg
Week 3: 70,3kg
Goal weight: 61,3kg

Workout! #motivational #fitness #fitspirational:
PS. I promise that I won't be bothering You with all those #healthyme things only. There will be proper posts on all kinds of fun stuff coming up. I'm just waiting the right opportunity to photograph those things.

Stay healthy and don't catch that nasty flu!

What's Your worst sick-flu combo that You've ever caught?


Week 2 | (un)healthy me

6:00 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Seriously!!!:

So I thought that Week 2 will be much more promising and I was so inspired of everything and then.. last Sunday I couldn't breathe through my nose because it was just so stuffed. I stayed home from work from Tuesday to Thursday and literally didn't come out of bed unless I needed to go to toilet or fill my water bottle. You can imagine that my training schedule was one big zero.
On the other hand, I did loose some weight because I didn't feel hungry at all and I'm one of those people who can't really eat when they're sick. The only thing I could eat was fruit, so I stuffed my face with mandarin oranges and kiwis (the fruit not the bird). Funny, but I managed to loose exactly 1 kg.
Anyway, I try to keep this post short since I really need a long steaming hot bath to clear my nose from the leftovers. I don't know how much workout I get in this upcoming week but one thing I'm sure of that I want to be completely healthy when I go to gym. Maybe I go there on Thursday or Friday and during weekend, depending on how I feel. I still have my goal, three workouts a week, in mind.
Thumbs up for being under 70 kg next week!

Starting weight: 71,3kg
Week 1: 71,3kg
Week 2: 70,3kg
Goal weight: 61,3kg

What do you eat when you're sick?


Week 1 | healthy me

2:57 PM Kristiine 0 Comments

Well the first week after winter holidays has passed and today when I stepped on a scale- I wasn't surprised, because the number on the scale haven't changed. I'm not surprised, because I didn't make much effort for it either. The week at work has been hectic and we had very, very, very cold weather this past week. It has been up to -25C where I live and I literally made sure I get from point A to point B as fast as I could.
My healthy eating was somewhat balanced although I want to clear up everything bad while I'm on this journey here. I ate healthy 4 days and 3 of them I totally slipped. On Wednesday (since we had a Bank Holiday day) we had dinner at my boyfriends godparents and it was pizza. I tried to balance it out on Thursday by eating quite small portions healthy food and working out in a gym. BUT on Friday and Saturday I slipped with some events where wine was offered, since they were formal events.
I feel like I have let myself down this week, but what else I can do than pick myself up on Monday and get my ass to gym and sort out my eating. My plan would be to manage working out three times a week for a month and then hit the level up button and start training four times a week for a month until eventually I would manage to hit the five times a week goal. I have to start somewhere anyway. Watching what I put in my mouth is really hard, harder than I imagined because apparently I'm not used to it. I eat lunch at work, they have always quite healthy options and now it's up to me to feed my body healthy breakfasts and dinners.
I hope I have better news from the scale next week:

Starting weight: 71,3kg
Week 1: 71,3kg
Goal weight: 61,3kg

What do you eat for breakfast and/or dinner?


Fitness motivation

6:50 PM Kristiine 1 Comments

I know there's people like me out there. So here's a thing- I might be very excited about something- for a week or two, a month tops and then my motivation just gets blurry. It's not like that with all the things I do, but mostly the not-so-fun-things-to-do.
As I wrote in the earlier NY's resolutions post- I want to get healthier. Eat healthier, feel better and actually I'm not afraid to admit that I want to loose some weight too, because I do not like what I'm seeing from the mirror right now. It might be my personal preference and some might say that my weight can be normal and others that I'm overweight or even fat. We, people, see others with different eyes so no judging from my side and I hope there won't be many judging me either.
Anyway, I'm not good in this. By "this" I mean motivation. So I thought I put two things together- one that I like and the other thing that I hope I'm starting to like: shopping and healthy living. If you're still wondering- what the hell is she talking about, here's what my plan is- to loose 10kg and every 2kg lost I can reward myself with something (not food related) OR I can skip one reward and save the money for something bigger I want to buy.
strong is the new sexy:

So today I made my first weight check on a scale after Christmas (yeah yeah, I was fat in august already, I know, but bare with me with the Christmas excuses) and my starting weight is 71,3kg. My goal weight would be something between 61kg and 63kg because that's where I feel my best.

So from now on, I'm coming in with new scale numbers every week and tell You how I have felt during the week and how's my motivation. I try to include the eating and training part as well.
Find more awesome #weightloss #motivation content on website:
Starting weight: 71,3kg
Goal: 61kg

69,3 kg - new gym top (because there's never too many of those). I've been eyeballing those tops

67,3 kg - new gym pants. I've been admiring Aloha and Vietnam for too long

65,3 kg - I've always wanted New Balance shoes, but I'm quite picky on the colors. Something like this or that or even that

63,3 kg - I'm so near to the goal so I think I might need a good sport watch. I've heard so many good words about this one

61,3 kg - I've reached the goal and I'd love to spend some beauty related time, probably get a massage or why not even a beautiful day in a Spa. I can now really pat myself on a shoulder and say that I can stay motivated, yes?

So, let's do this!
Mind building Muscle, there will always be a few speed bumps in a training program but never give up!!!!!!!:
Oh and I don't set any goal on the time, it might take me longer than I think but I hope I will reach my goal in May/June 2016. If it takes longer, I'm not going to beat myself up for it. Important is to reach the goal, but I don't expect it to come easy.

Disclaimer: Pictures are from Pinterest.

How do you motivate yourself?